Addis Ababa Prevents Over 6,000 Quintals of Spoiled Wheat from Entering Food Supply
The Addis Ababa Food and Drug Authority intercepted 6,561 quintals of spoiled wheat, ensuring it was treated and repurposed for non-food uses. The public is encouraged to report similar incidents via a toll-free hotline.

Over 6,000 Quintals of Spoiled Wheat Prevented from Being Used for Food in Addis Ababa
The Addis Ababa Food and Drug Authority has announced that 6,561 quintals of spoiled wheat were prevented from being used for food consumption following reports from institutions and the public.
Based on the reports received, the Authority formed a team of control experts to inspect the organization in question. After confirming the spoilage, the wheat was treated to ensure it would not be used for food purposes.
The spoiled wheat was fully treated to prevent further contamination and repurposed for non-food uses, such as animal feed. This was confirmed by Mr. Estifanos Getachew, Director of the Food and Health Control Directorate, in an interview with Bsrat Radio and Television.
Additionally, the Authority urged the public to report any illegal activities or incidents involving spoiled food and beverages by calling the toll-free hotline 8864, assuring that necessary actions will be taken.
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